Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Diigo - Take Two

Here's a link to my Diigo page. Admittedly, all but one are all math sites, which may seem weird for a class called "Integrating Technology with Literacy." I will add more literacy-based websites, I swear, but right now my oldest son, who's 9 and in fourth grade, has been using my page to access his favorite sites. He loves math and is good at it; a recent assessment showed he performs at a high school level. He certainly didn't get that aptitude from me, I can assure you (my husband's an actuary, so guess where he gets it from)! I'm lucky I can keep up with my third grade math group at school! Anyway, feel free to check my site if you're interested in math resources and let me know if you come across any you think my son would like.


  1. Math is a form of literacy, so it does make sense to bookmark math websites. Glad your son is finding the project useful. Maybe, he can set up his own Diigo account, and then you can set up a Group with him, and share with him those bookmarks that are relevant for him. By the end of the course, you will better understand what I mean. In the meantime, bookmarking math sites makes perfect sense for our class. Share your bookmarks with Christina. Are you a member yet of the Shared bookmark Group for EDUC 584? If so, you can share bookmarks easily with all members of the group.

  2. Great links! I have checked out a few of them already! I especially like the Cool Math site and Fun Brain sites.
